
how to copy out app-private data from Android with ADB

Suppose we're going to copy out database file "application.sqlite" from an App whose package name is adb shell run-as \ cp /data/data/ /sdcard/ exit adb pull /sdcard/application.sqlite ~/ Reference:

How to reset mysql root password for Mysql Server 5.7 on Ubuntu

Note: the following instruction will DELTE all existing data in Mysql. 1.  Remove existing Mysql: apt purge mysql-server-5.7 mysql-server-core-5.7 mysql-common 2. Remove existing data: mv /etc/mysql/ /etc/mysql.bak # or rm -rf /etc/mysql mv /var/lib/mysql /var/lib/mysql.bak # or rm -rf /var/lib/mysql 3. Re-install mysql apt install mysql-server-5.7 mysql-server-core-5.7 mysql-common During this step, the installer will ask you for new root password. [done].

Eclipse Maven plugin

eclipse maven plugin use java 1.7. I need to set the default compiler version without modifying pom.xml file for each projects. Solution: Change ~/.m2/settings.xml. Also make sure Eclipse uses the same .xml file for settings. 1. In  tag, add the following profile: <profile>   <id>env-dev</id>   <properties>     <project.sourceencoding>UTF-8</project.sourceencoding>     <maven.compiler.source>1.7</maven></maven.compiler.source>     <>1.7</>   </properties> </profile> 2. Enable the above profile: <activeprofiles>   <activeprofile>env-dev</activeprofile> </activeprofiles>

apache proxy模块中关于cookie的处理


Internet has tremendous impact to human being

Internet has deeply changed the landscape of human society, deeper than anyone could think about. The freely floating information has both exposed the bright and dark side of human nature, so the good and evil now coflicts more directly with each other. The best time has ended. People must get back to reality and figure out the solution asap. The most tricky part is that, the danger lies in ourselves, like cancer comes from normal cells. Even worse, we have no success story of cureing it yet.


举个例子,有人通过大量数据分析发现,所有人最后都死了,于是得出结论,死亡是大趋势,要早早死掉才能站得先机。。。 这种谬论还是挺常见的